Rick Thompson, 22 was born in Chester. After dropping out from the countries most 'prestigious' audio tech degree, at the University of Lincoln. Rick decided education wasn't for him, and dived straight into the unpredictable world of journalism. Armed with a few A levels, and his ambition, Rick dreams of being either a sports journalist, or heading to the states and working in his mums home town of Chicago, at the Chicago Tribune.
Your greatest fear?
Greatest achievement?
Getting into Catch 22.
Your earliest memory?
When my dad took me out to see Santa Claus. Pointing at an aeroplane, he said that was Santa Claus's sleigh and told me not to look back, otherwise Santa will go away. But when I did look back, I saw my mum wheeling my Christmas present into the living room. It was then I realised Santa Claus wasn't real. Hard times.
Your 1st kiss?
It happened when I was staying with my grandparents in Milwaukee, America. Her name was Elizabeth, and she was the same as me at the time, which was 10.
What keeps you awake at night?
If you fancy knowing more about Rick, follow him on twitter.
What are Rick's fave things?
- Favourite website: Goal.com
- Favourite Youtube Video: Sons of Shankly, it always gets to me.
- Favourite song: Peace Train-Cat Stevens , not Yusuf Islam.
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